Co-ordinate to a new report,Nintendo will begin offering to fix controllers affected by the Joy-Con drift issue for free subsequently news broke of a form action lawsuit being filed against the company over defective hardware. Joy-Con drift refers to the issue that sees a controller brainstorm to falsely identify its analog stick as being pushed in a certain direction even when its untouched, causing issues during gameplay that range from annoying to outright impossible to work with.

Joy-Con migrate has been an result for the Nintendo Switch since its launch in 2022, but Nintendo has rarely acknowledged the problem at all, with the near being said about it up until this bespeak a tepid PR statement that encourages users experiencing issues to contact the company for a replacement. That works while under warranty, but several users accept had to spend money out of their own pocket to become controllers repaired after the fact, a widespread problem that came to light recently when Switch owners realized just how prevalent the issue actually was. A class activeness lawsuit against Nintendo was filed earlier this calendar week by 1 affected party, with their legal team also encouraging other affected users to fill up out a grade to assist build the case confronting Nintendo.

That seems to have been enough for Nintendo to finally act when it comes to Switch Joy-Con drift. According to a report fromVICE Games, Nintendo recently told its customer service representatives that the company will no longer charge those looking for Joy-Con repairs, instead offering the service for free without question. Hither'southward what the internal client service details say:

"Customers will no longer be requested to provide proof of buy for Joy-Con repairs. Additionally it is not necessary to confirm warranty status. If a customer requests a refund for a previously paid Joy-Con repair...ostend the prior repair and and so event a refund."

Nowhere in the documentation does Nintendo admit fault as a company or with the Joy-Con controllers at large, only making reference to "contempo reports." That's concerning, especially with the Nintendo Switch Lite looming on the horizon. The portable device that sheds dockability likewise doesn't have detachable Joy-Con controllers, pregnant Joy-Con migrate for that device would necessitate sending the entire console back to Nintendo for repair. That could definitely injure sales at a minimum, and could be a PR disaster if the problem becomes as prevalent as the i facing electric current Switch owners now.

If nix else, there's at least an option at present for consumers who have been affected by Joy-Con drift that won't cost them coin. Information technology'southward a start, and information technology's more than they had to go along only under a week ago, but information technology's non a solution for the biggest trouble facing the Nintendo Switch - a console that is well-positioned to thrive in the coming gen if it manages to sort out its faulty controller issue.

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Source: VICE Games

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