
How To Repair The Weather Strip On A Camper Shell

Sanding a badly weathered entry door before refinishing.
Sanding a badly weathered entry door earlier refinishing.

From pelting and snow to sun and cold, the weather can have a toll on your habitation. Watch this video to observe out how to repair conditions related damage and amend the look of your domicile.

Weather damage dwelling house projects:

    • Refinish Entry Door: Entry doors have a lot of abuse from the elements and the dominicus's UV rays, peculiarly stained or natural wood doors. Run into how to strip, sand, stain, finish, and replace the hardware on an entry door.
    • Score and Stain Concrete Patio: Physical patios can become muddy and unattractive over time. Larn how to clean a physical patio, score decorative lines into the concrete, and finish the surface with physical stain and sealer.
  • Replace Rotten Siding: Rain and lord's day can deteriorate hardboard siding over time. Notice out how to remove damaged siding, and replace it with durable cobweb cement siding.

Read episode commodity to notice out more than.

Further Information

  • How to Refinish and Entry Door (video)
  • Improving the Await of a Concrete Patio (video)
  • How to Install Fiber Cement Siding (article)

Danny Lipford: This calendar week on Today's Homeowner, we're taking on Mother Nature and trying to correct some of what she'south messed up. Stick around. It should be a skillful matchup.

Allen Lyle: I'm worried this guy's going to grab the rake and vanquish me with it.

Danny Lipford: One thing all houses have in mutual is the fact that their biggest enemy is the atmospheric condition. Heat or cold, rain or snowfall, houses take a chirapsia from the elements. So nosotros're tackling some repairs made necessary by the weather.

Nosotros want these houses to look better merely also be better protected from the elements. In fact, the commencement 1 happens to be my business firm, where I've recruited my girl, Chelsea, to help me refinish my front door.

Chelsea Lipford: Heard there was going to exist lunch, and so…

Danny Lipford: Whatever information technology takes. Merely cheque this out. You know, we always have a wreath here of some kind, and you tin really see, look how it's peeling right off.

Chelsea Lipford: Aye. I've never seen a door look like that. I guess it's going to accept a while, huh?

Danny Lipford: It certainly will and the first step is to become the door off the hinges.

Chelsea Lipford: So is this what it looked like when you stained it first?

Danny Lipford: Yeah. Check that out. That's what I hope it looks like past the end of the twenty-four hour period.

Because painting or refinishing a door is a lot easier when it's horizontal.

Chelsea Lipford: Is information technology heavy?

Danny Lipford: Very heavy.

Unfortunately refinishing does take some fourth dimension, so you lot'll desire to cover upward the opening while you're working.

Chelsea Lipford: Would a painted door last longer in that sunday or is it actually, probably the same?

Danny Lipford: A lighter colored painted door would last pretty good. But still I love a stained door.

Now, check out the finish on this. That's the way the outside of that door used to look.

Chelsea Lipford: Wow!

Danny Lipford: And again, that only shows you what the sun will practice between that and that. Isn't that unreal?

Chelsea Lipford: Yucky. I don't want to look at information technology anymore.

Danny Lipford: I'thou just going to carry information technology down to the sawhorses.

Chelsea Lipford: You want to go 1 end, and I'll get the dorsum end?

Danny Lipford: Mmm-hmm. Yeah.

Chelsea Lipford: I liked it ameliorate when carried it by yourself.

Danny Lipford: God, information technology looks old! Information technology looks like some old antique business firm, doesn't information technology?

Chelsea Lipford: People pay good money to antique things, Dad. We could sell this on Craigslist.

Danny Lipford: To exercise the chore right, you lot'll desire to remove the hardware and lock set from the door first.

Male child, yous can really see it right in that location. The difference between that used to look like that. You meet the finish. How much that sun's broiled information technology away and simply all of these flakes. Gee whiz.

Of course, as with whatsoever job, safety equipment is so important.

You know, I got me a mask. And then I made you a special one.

Chelsea Lipford: Dad, that's… Aw!

Danny Lipford: No, this one's mine. No, no. No, you endeavor that on. Here, put it on. I similar that.

Chelsea Lipford: Why?

Danny Lipford: Because yous wait happy the whole time. Information technology looks similar a niggling puppy dog right there.

Chelsea Lipford: Tin you tell I'chiliad really smirking at yous? But wait till our lunch break. See what your mask looks like.

Danny Lipford: Okay, with the grain. So you're going vertical here. Right. Then you're going horizontal there. And vertical here.

We're using a quarter-sheet pad sander with eighty-grit sandpaper for the big flat areas. And a triangular detail sander to get into the tight spots.

How's that working? Look at this right hither. It's really where we want to terminate upwards with it, it's going to take a while.

Chelsea Lipford: It'southward a lot more work than I thought.

Danny Lipford: Yeah, I hateful, when you see that information technology'southward all peeling off like that, you'd recollect that it would come right off.

This part of the task goes a lot quicker with ability tools, just information technology's still a ton of work that takes a lot of time. Once the old stain is gone, we switch to a finer grit sandpaper to smooth out all of the surface.

I before long realize that the molding may accept forever to get downwardly to blank wood, so we make up one's mind to simply remove the varnish from it…

Chelsea Lipford: Oh, that looks pretty good. Wow!

Danny Lipford: …before we wipe off the grit and begin applying the stain.

Oh, aye! There nosotros become. Oh, homo. That looks great, doesn't information technology?

Chelsea Lipford: I don't know. Am I doing a good job, Dad?

Danny Lipford: So far, but you're just getting started. You lot encounter how yours seems darker than mine?

Chelsea Lipford: Yeah, did I do too much?

Danny Lipford: Well, you don't want to overwork it.

Merely it doesn't take long before Chelsea gets the hang of it…

Yep, that looks bang-up.

…and soon the whole door is stained. The next day we can use the get-go of two coats of marine-course spar varnish that'll protect the wood from the weather.

Certain looks good, like a piece of furniture.

When the outset coat dries, it however has a slightly rough feel, so we get over it lightly with some 400-grit sandpaper earlier the second coat is practical.

Finally, the door is ready to be rehung. The new hardware nosotros're putting on includes a cool new touchscreen deadbolt from Schlage that likewise makes getting in easier if you forgot your cardinal.

In fact, y'all can program the lock with several different codes to give others access if yous're non at home. I but need to make certain Chelsea doesn't have one or we'll never have food in the fridge again.

Joe Truini: There're very few caulking projects that crave yous to utilise a total tube of caulk, so it's important to observe a manner to seal information technology so you tin can reuse it adjacent fourth dimension. Now I've seen people apply duct record and even wire nuts to seal it but these ideas don't really work because they don't seal out the air. The air gets in the nozzle and dries the caulk and you tin can't get information technology out.

And then here'southward an idea that works actually well. After yous cut it open and use some of it, plug upwards the nozzle with either a long steel rod, a screw, a long screw, or fifty-fifty just a nail. sixteen-penny blast, slide it in at that place, and then, tape the end of it with some duct tape.

What that does, information technology seals out most of the air and even if a little air gets inside the nozzle, you tin can pull out the screw or the smash, and there'll be a channel then you lot can become the residue of the caulking out. And you can practise this as many times as necessary, until you employ up the entire tube.

Danny Lipford: This week we're taking on projects brought nigh past Mother Nature.

That used to look like that.

And we've already restored the sun parched finish on my front door. Now we're about to assist Lori Blum with some damaged siding and a patio that'south a little less attractive than she'd similar.

We started past cleaning the mold and mildew off the patio before I met with Lori to discuss the next footstep.

Lori Blum: Danny the patio looks so much amend just by power washing information technology.

Danny Lipford: Yeah, information technology's amazing. We used a little TSP, trisodium phosphate, to kind of loosen things upwardly and and then spraying information technology off. Only what I was amazed at is how unlike it is out where it'south been raining versus what's been covered.

Lori Blum: Right, there is such a difference where the rocks are showing on this area.

Danny Lipford: Yeah, I know. That stain will kind of camouflage that a piddling bit.

Lori Blum: Well, good, then you won't find then much of a dissimilarity.

Danny Lipford: Yes, you lot still may have a little bit there. But, of course, this is a affair I saw here that nosotros're going to take to deal with. Apparently the reinforcement wire that they put in the original slab, a niggling close to the surface, and information technology probably has aggravated you e'er since you've seen that.

Lori Blum: Information technology has. I hate this little divot in the concrete.

Danny Lipford: I also noticed it's like some craft project got a little out of paw.

Lori Blum: Oh, I'm sure.

Danny Lipford: Aye, so we got some lacquer thinner, peradventure nosotros tin go that up. So after that nosotros can go alee and move forward with mayhap some of the scoring and run into what else nosotros can practise hither.

Lori Blum: Good.

Danny Lipford: But Allen's on his way out with some of the fiber cement siding. I know you take some of the hardboard siding like so many people that you have a few bug. So, he'll be able to exit here with those materials pretty soon.

Lori Blum: Well, practiced. My father is on his fashion. Then, I'll let him handle that part.

Danny Lipford: Oh, perfect, perfect. Yeah, they tin can have it out in the sun and nosotros can stay…

Lori Blum: Underneath the embrace.

Danny Lipford: Correct, right. Well, let'southward become started with this then.

Lori Blum: Okay.

Danny Lipford: First we remove whatsoever flaking concrete with a chisel before sweeping out the loose rocks and grit. Then we dampen the concrete with a wet brush so the fast-setting physical nosotros're mixing up doesn't dry out out too quickly.

The fast-setting concrete tin can exist applied with a putty knife or trowel. Basically y'all fill the void and smooth it off flush with the surrounding surface, then look for it to dry.

The paint splatter maybe a piddling more difficult though, so we're using some lacquer thinner to soften the paint earlier the scraping begins.

Lori Blum: Yous tin see that I use this patio to do a lot of painting sometimes.

Danny Lipford: Everybody does. I tell y'all, you tin can run into a lot of times where people will spray something, and they have the paper out at that place, and not plenty paper.

Lori Blum: That'southward how I've got paint marks. Well, there it goes. It'south starting to come up out now.

Danny Lipford: The wire brush seems to be effective, merely it takes a lot of elbow grease.

Lori Blum: Information technology'due south stubborn paint stains.

Danny Lipford: Yeah. Soaked in. That'due south what information technology is. Y'all know, when you have something hither, you know, this has never been sealed, that's ane of the things. In one case nosotros get it stained and sealed, it'll be a lot more resistant, you know, to stains and paint.

Lori Blum: Practiced, because I can't promise that I won't practise any more painting projects out here.

Danny Lipford: While the paint stains soaks in a petty more than lacquer thinner, nosotros do a piddling planning for our next step.

I wanted to ask you about the score joints, and how we can practice the score joints. You lot know, you've seen people that go real elaborate and they put all kinds of…

Lori Blum: Oh, I've seen some fancy work on concrete patios before.

Danny Lipford: Yeah, I don't recollect it's really necessary on that, but what I was going to suggest—I was looking at it yesterday when we were cleaning information technology—is to come just this side of that cavalcade merely a footling scrap. So, that'll probably exist, say, 14 inches off that edge.

Lori Blum: Right.

Danny Lipford: Aforementioned all the manner around, and and so just cut that one border around.

Lori Blum: That'll await nice.

Danny Lipford: It's but ane matter. It kind of defines, you know, the exterior part of it. And and so just simply i right down the middle, and then one straight beyond, which probably that column's going to hit just about where that middle one would be. Then y'all kind of have it divided up in you know…

Lori Blum: Four sections.

Danny Lipford: …four sections. Lot of symmetry to information technology. And and so subsequently we stain information technology I think it's going to actually wait good.

Lori Blum: That would await expert.

Danny Lipford: So once nosotros end removing the paint stain, nosotros brainstorm laying out our edge. This is important considering the round saw nosotros'll use to cut the concrete has a guard that prevents it from running all the fashion up to the wall along the edges.

Okay, you reach out there and pop it one time.

Lori Blum: Okay.

Danny Lipford: Pull it up an inch or so and at that place y'all go—the magic string. The blueprint can really be any design that you want, but be sure that you have it like you lot want in chalk before you intermission out the saw.

All right, perfect. Hey, this looks proficient. Give you a good thought what information technology'due south going to look similar one time we get everything scored out. Yeah, you can already see it coming along now.

Lori Blum: Oh, here'southward my dad, he came.

Danny Lipford: Looks like problem. How you doing, I'g Danny.

Lori Blum: This is Danny.

Butch Fleming: Butch Fleming. How you doing, nice to meet yous, Danny.

Danny Lipford: And Allen, you know.

Lori Blum: Hey, Allen. How are you?

Allen Lyle: Hey, good, good.

So you tin get an idea what it's going to look similar now, huh?

Allen Lyle: Aye.

Butch Fleming: Yeah, looks skilful. Looks like you've drawn it out and you lot're set up to get.

Danny Lipford: Yeah, all we got to do now is cut everything, and did you lot get that annoying blade I need?

Allen Lyle: I've got it. I got 2 abrasive blades because I'm going to accept to have one out forepart with that fiber cement siding. Lori, I just had epiphany.

Lori Blum: Aye. 4 different color stains and a giant Andy Warhol. Bam! Right here.

Lori Blum: At that place nosotros go!

Allen Lyle: I love information technology.

Danny Lipford: No. Nosotros're going with one stain.

Allen Lyle: Okay.

Danny Lipford: One sealer, and it'south going to be awesome.

Allen Lyle: I call back it's going to expect great. Allow'southward get some saw blades.

Danny Lipford: Yes, let's get the saw.

Lori Blum: Let's become.

Danny Lipford: Allen and Butch are going to tackle the damaged hardboard siding around the corner of Lori's business firm, just it looks like they have an unwanted helper.

Allen Lyle: Yeah, I got to tell you this, Butch, I tin can piece of work with pretty much anybody. Almost anybody.

Butch Fleming: Nigh.

Allen Lyle: I take to piece of work with Danny Lipford. I tin can work with almost anybody. Simply Godzilla over here, is non going to piece of work.

Butch Fleming: Listen, I've raised him from a baby.

Allen Lyle: Y'all know what worries me more than anything, I'yard worried this guy's going to grab the rake and beat me with information technology.

Butch Fleming: See, in that location he comes.

Allen Lyle: Here he comes. Come up on at present.

Danny Lipford: One time the spider is safely exiled to the neighbor'due south yard…

Allen Lyle: I'm going to give you to another…

Butch Fleming: He's got you!

Allen Lyle: Aww! Yeah, go visit.

Danny Lipford: …Butch and Allen can resume thinning the shrubs to make room for their piece of work. While they practise that, let'south check in with Jodi for this week's All-time New Product.

Jodi Marks: You know if you're trying to grow a garden or have a cute lawn, water is your best friend; just on any other surface it tin be your biggest nightmare. Things like wood or concrete, metal, plastic, until now. Take a look at this.

Rust-Oleum, has come up upwardly with this product called, NeverWet. It'due south a 2-step procedure. And it's pretty good because information technology's a multi-surface, liquid repelling treatment. And information technology works virtually on anything.

I love the picture on the back of this box right here, because this shows exactly how it would piece of work on an untreated surface like your work boots. Something equally simple as your piece of work boots. You spray it on and nigh makes them water, mud, and ice repellent.

Too, you tin can put it on piece of work gloves. Something similar these leather gloves here. Just spray on the application, let it dry out, and once more, it's ready to go. You tin can as well put it on, say, your planter boxes to preserve them because over time a cedar planter box will actually beginning to intermission downwards.

So this is a very quick, easy application. And after you practise just these few steps, all your things will be water repellant and cleaner longer.

Danny Lipford: This week we're making repairs and improvements to combat the effects of Mother Nature on our homes.

Lori and I have cleaned and repaired her patio. Now we're upgrading the look of the patio by scoring shallow grooves into the surface.

The slice of plywood Lori is continuing on serves as a straight edge for my saw. This is actually important for cut long lines, especially in a rough surface like concrete.

This process is relatively simple just incredibly noisy and dusty. It's also a bit time consuming because you lot have to move the saw through the concrete very slowly.

Meanwhile, Allen and Butch are done landscaping and wrangling spiders.

Butch Fleming: You're awful brave confronting that little spider.

Allen Lyle: Yep, don't bring the big one back.

Danny Lipford: And they're fix to go to work. Actually, right at present, there's one petty problem here, Butch. I mean, you talk about lap siding. I mean, if you await at it, every piece is on top of another piece.

Butch Fleming: Right.

Allen Lyle: When yous get downwardly here to the bottom, instead of cantilevered out, it's flat downward. So at that place's no starter piece.

Butch Fleming: Okay.

Allen Lyle: So we've to put a starter slice up first.

Butch Fleming: Okay, that'll work.

Danny Lipford: Simply before that starter strip goes upwardly, the old damaged siding has to come off.

Allen Lyle: I'll start on this end.

Butch Fleming: All right. Pry from the lesser?

Allen Lyle: Pry from bottom up and pull the bottom two.

Danny Lipford: The procedure is pretty uncomplicated. Y'all pry off the boards one at a fourth dimension, working from the bottom up. As the boards pull away from the wall, they come up loose from the nails that hold them beneath the boards above.

Allen Lyle: That'due south information technology.

Danny Lipford: The merely real difficulties are in that location are penetrations similar this garden hose spigot. There you just have to choice abroad at the siding i modest slice at a time.

Butch Fleming: Information technology'south all rotted except in that i spot.

Allen Lyle: Yes, the i spot.

Danny Lipford: Meanwhile, Lori and I have finished cut and we're ready to clean upwards.

Lots of dust, huh?

Lori Blum: It sure did make a lot of dust. So what do we practice next?

Danny Lipford: Well, what we're going to practise is dump our stain. We've got this translucent water-based stain—"golden wheat" is what you lot've picked out—that sounds skillful. I'll cutting effectually the edges with a pigment brush…

Lori Blum: Okay.

Danny Lipford: …and I'll let you do the rolling. I'll let you do the fun part.

Lori Blum: So you only gyre information technology right on?

Danny Lipford: Yes, only roll it on.

Lori Blum: Okay.

Danny Lipford: We only want it real thin and real even.

Lori Blum: Okay, sounds skilful.

Danny Lipford: Like wood stains, this stuff is super sparse. So it pours more like water than pigment.

It's not pigment. So, information technology's just real, existent sparse..

Lori Blum: Merely like that?

Danny Lipford: Yeah. And just, Information technology'll go a long mode. This is supposed to get—handle—up to almost 400 square feet.

Lori Blum: Oh, and then it actually does go along thin.

Danny Lipford: Mmm-hmm. Yeah, what you're seeing right at that place is just what we want to end upwards with.

Lori Blum: Okay.

Danny Lipford: This ain't going to take long at all, Lori.

Lori Blum: No, this seems to be going on pretty quick.

Danny Lipford: Aye.

Lori Blum: So about how long will it take for this to dry?

Danny Lipford: Oh, information technology dries to touch in most an hour and a half, and foot traffic after about 4.

Lori Blum: Okay.

Danny Lipford: Now see, all the people in the neighborhood are going to want you to come and do their patios now.

Lori Blum: Oh, they are. They're going to be jealous.

Danny Lipford: I know it. Pick you up some extra money. You know, actually, this is a pretty like shooting fish in a barrel way to put it on, as long as yous get information technology overnice and even. You can besides use a pump up sprayer similar a garden sprayer?

Lori Blum: Oh, yes.

Danny Lipford: Works pretty practiced. We'll exist finished pretty soon here. I don't know virtually that other crew.

Allen Lyle: Hey, I can hear you!

Lori Blum: I don't know what they're doing over in that location.

Danny Lipford: Yes, they're simply making a lot of noise. Besides the banging, at that place's also a fair amount of sawing as Allen cuts the fiber cement siding that they're using to replace the damaged hardboard. Simply before the new siding goes up, Allen and Butch are tacking a vapor barrier over the exposed wood sheeting to protect information technology from futurity moisture.

Cobweb cement works best when information technology's blind nailed. That means the nails go in the top of each piece so that the row above it covers the fasteners. Occasionally there are old nails that have to be clipped to allow you to slide the last piece backside the existing siding. This row also attaches a picayune differently.

Allen Lyle: Since this is the insert run, we can't blind smash it.

Butch Fleming: Okay.

Allen Lyle: But rather than blast from the bottom into this, and nosotros don't need to do that, we're going to really blast through this one…

Butch Fleming: Through that.

Allen Lyle: …into this one. Permit's run across. And then we've got two to go through. All right. One more piece and we're done. Looking good.

Danny Lipford: The final two pieces are seamed around the spigot with small notches cutting in each. This organisation means we don't have to call a plumber to remove and reinstall the valve. At present around dorsum, once the stain has stale on the patio, there's one last step.

Lori seemed very pleased with the color of her patio. And I really like this blazon of stain—a translucent stain—that allows a footling bit of the character of the concrete to kind of smooth right through.

But it'due south about to expect a lot better because I accept some water-proofing sealer that I just put in a pump upward sprayer that makes it then like shooting fish in a barrel to apply. And it'll give information technology a niggling more of a finished look and also add even more than protection.

Once yous glaze an expanse, y'all backroll it with a roller to even out the finish. While I do that, check out this question we received recently from 1 of our viewers.

Rob is asking, "Is it difficult to install a peephole in a front end door?"

No, information technology'southward not a hard project at all to install a peephole in any type door, including a metallic door like this one. I merely installed this one a few minutes ago.

The principal matter is to position your peephole at the right height for the person that'll be answering the door the most. I take seen people who put a second peephole in for the kids. Only it all starts with measuring. Measure exactly where you lot want it, then use the right size drill scrap.

But don't drill all the way through the door fifty-fifty if it'due south a metal door. You want to go until you see the drill bit starting to emerge, then go around to the other side and drill back through so that you lot don't have any splintering or any impairment to the door.

Then the peephole comes apart—two unlike pieces—you lot screw it in, tighten it up, and y'all're through. That way next time someone knocks on the door, you'll know who it is.

This week nosotros've done some weather rehab on both wood and concrete surfaces, too equally some repairs that involve a lilliputian of both. In each instance, we made the surface more attractive. But more importantly, we protected them from the future effects of the elements. Now there's nothing left but the decorating.

At present, your neighbors are going to want i of these.

Lori Blum: Yes.

Danny Lipford: Because everybody in neighborhood has a concrete patio, so will you be able to handle this? And what about the scoring the joints there with a saw?

Lori Blum: Well, I know how to do it now. I am a perfect director for it.

Danny Lipford: Well, it was a little messy.

Lori Blum: Yes, it was.

Danny Lipford: A lilliputian intimidating with all the dust and such. Simply we love being able to bear witness you these very mutual repairs that a lot of homeowners face, and hopefully nosotros've been able to share with you the right corporeality of information that you can exercise information technology yourself.

Hey, thanks then much for existence with us this week. I'1000 Danny Lipford, we'll encounter you lot next week, here on Today'southward Homeowner. I encounter the spoilt i around hither.

Lori Blum: Oh, yes.

Danny Lipford: I love her mask. Look at it.

How To Repair The Weather Strip On A Camper Shell,


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